
By Vickie Byard CVT, VTS (Dentistry) When I leave a practice, having provided dentistry training, I make the deal that when they find their first dentigerous cyst or impacted first premolar, I will buy the practice a pizza lunch! Well, Centre Animal Hospital in State...

It’s National Veterinary Technician Week!

by Vickie Byard, CVT, VTS (Dentistry) I arrived home last night around 9:30 pm from 3 days in lovely Reno, Nevada while presenting, moderating and purely enjoying myself at the Wild West Veterinary Conference.  Not only did I bring home a plethora of precious and...
Vet Techs Just Wanna Have Fun!

Vet Techs Just Wanna Have Fun!

By Vickie Byard, CVT, VTS (Dentistry) This morning, I stared out the kitchen window as the coffee brewed.  I was struck with the way the light played off the leaves of the trees as the sun broke through the crisp, early fall cloud cover.  That awareness alone made me...


I have just returned from a much needed rest in the Berkshires this past weekend.  Upon returning home and jumping right back into life, I stopped to reflect on PetEd’s recent past.  Over the previous weekend, I attended and taught at the Keystone Veterinary...

PetED’s New Website

Vickie Byard, CVT, VTS (Dentistry) I was asked to co-present in a workshop called Rock’em Sock’em Dentals with Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM, his Halow Tassava Consulting  partner Brenda Tassava, CVPM, CVJ and Howard Gittleman, DVM.  The focus of this workshop was...